Learn more about MLTC, our member land trusts and our partners. Find out where we work and what kinds of programs and projects our members do, and which land trusts might be right for you or a friend considering long-term protection of their lands.
A land trust is a special kind of nonprofit that protects lands for a wide variety of purposes, including natural resource value, community benefit, open space, outdoor activities and more.
A land trust can help a landowner understand opportunities for long-term protection of their property. Professionals in the land trust community can provide education and partnership on the legal and financial tools that can help a landowner achieve their conservation objectives.
We’ve compiled a list of reading and resource materials to help you learn about the land trust world, and about how we protect a wide variety of lands.
Access a list of land trusts and their partners that work across various parts of Missouri, and contacts if you’d like to chat with Missouri Land Trust Coalition’s leadership.
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